Sunday, 1 January 2012

1st Blog Entry - A beginning

I have been meaning to start my blog for quite a while (mainly because I need a hobby other than long legs), however I've just never got round to it, and as today is the 1st of January 2012 (or more likely the 2nd by the time I finish this), I cannot think of a better occasion to start.

Let me begin with an introduction; my name is Max Chambers - the max is not short for Maximillion, Maxwell, Maxime or any thing else, and I do not have a middle name - I am 17 years old and come from South London, England. I am currently unnemployed and have no idea what I want to do with my life. Therefore I have decided to give comedy a try, both writing and possibly performing. Why? Because I have always enjoyed making people laugh for as long as I can remember, I even have a home video of myself performing a stand up "gig" for my family one christmas, when I was seven, reading out the jokes that were inside our christmas crackers (which I may put up here at some point), and thus I have created this blog.

I chose the name "Comedicblues" beacuse I don't want this just to be a comedy blog; I want it to be a life blog, and life has both comedy and tragedy, I, As have all of you felt the depths of depression and sadness, aswell as the heights of happiness and hilarity. Also, I believe comedy and tragedy go hand in hand, you can't have one without the other.

Now, back to talking about myself (which I happen to love), as previously mentioned, I am 17 years old, yet I am not your stereotypical teenager, which I suppose pretty much every teenager says, therefore I am a stereotypical teenager in most ways; I'm lazy, I argue with my parents non stop, I always think I look like crap, I am constantly told how much I've grown by complete strangers, I watched "the Inbetweeners " religiously, I remember when The Simpsons was actually the best thing on television,I think David Cameron is a "doushe", I ..... blah blah etc etc. Whats more intresting (and gives me another chance to do a list), is things that make me atypical; I wear a top hat (and occasionaly a fez), I have not gone on Justin Bieber's youtube video just to press the dislike button, My idea of a "night out" doesn't involve drinking Vodka in an alley, "fingering" a girl I have met only 30mins prior, I have no idea who Robert Sheehan is and why he should matter, My internet history is not full of smut that would make even Charlie Sheen cringe, I am still not bored of that Russian Meercat and finally my ideal woman is not Cheryl Cole or "the fit one from the saturdays", but that of the most beautiful women ever the grace this earth Audrey Hepburn (aka the future Mrs Chambers).

Anyway that's enough from me, and a happy crappy new year to everyone.


P.s hopefully more to come in the coming days.

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